Tuesday 20 September 2011

Well, it's a good job we have all these modern day conveniences to help make our workload easier and faster, 'cause how slow and behind my chores would I be without them! Whew! I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday, and just now squeezing it in- just past 11 p.m. I have been busy with work and carting my youngest daughter around from one function to another- softball practice, piano lessons and hair appointments...Crazy! She's busier than the Prime Minister!

I have been online awhile today doing more photography research and soaking up every bit of knowledge I can find! I feel a little obsessed, but then again that is directly in line with my addictive personality. Folks like me take on a project or new interest and we are all Gung Ho, not even sure that's a word, but it's certainly a phrase we use around here. haha!

Had a chance to take a few snaps of my girls today, not the glamorous kind but while they were watching T.V and eating a snack. You gotta grab 'em while you can with those two...lol! Take care!

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